If you use Slack as a regular tool for internal communication, Emtrain for Slack allows you to send direct messages to your employees to accompany campaign email notifications.
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About the App
When you install Emtrain for Slack, the app matches employees that you’ve registered as users in Emtrain AI with their Slack accounts based on their email address. When you launch a training campaign to your learners, in addition to receiving notifications by email, they’ll also receive a direct message in Slack. The text of the Slack notifications mirror what you’ve set up for the subject and body of the email notifications and also include the assignment due date.
Emtrain for Slack messages include the email notification subjects and the first portion of the email body as configured Emtrain AI. If you haven't customized these, the default notification subject and email body text will be used, as shown below:
Welcome/Assignment Notification
Reminder Notification
Past Due Notification
Completion Notification
Install the App
To install the Emtrain for Slack Integration:
Navigate to the Site Config area of the Manage Tools and choose the Integration tab.
Click the Add to Slack button in the Slack App section.
The installation process provides details on the information and permissions required to install the Emtrain for Slack app.
Should you need to make adjustments after installation, you may manage the app or uninstall Emtrain for Slack app by visiting our page in the Slack App Directory.
Q: Do all Admins with the Site Config permission enabled have the ability to install and manage the Slack app?
A: Account Admins may see the Integrate with Slack button in the Site Config area, but they must have Slack Workspace permission within their own company to install or manage Slack apps.
Q: Can Admins opt into Slack messages just for reminders, but not the welcome notification?
A: The Slack integration will “send all” notifications that are configured to be sent via email. There is no way to turn on/off for certain messages.
Q: Can Admins opt into Slack messages but not email notifications?
A: The Slack integration is dependent on the email notifications. They cannot send “only Slack messages.”
Q: Do Admins have ability to change or alter things (timing, icons, custom message, etc?)
A: At this time, these things are “static” but more configuration options may be added in the future.
Q: When will Slack messages be sent?
A: The message will be sent in Slack at the same time emails are sent.
Q: How much of the message will be shown?
A: The message will show the first 240 characters of the email body.
Q: Can Learners opt out of the Slack notifications?
A: When the Emtrain for Slack app is installed, Learners will receive Slack notifications there just as they will via email. They cannot opt-out individually.
Q: Why would a Learner NOT receive Slack messages?
A: The integration requires that email address stored in the Emtrain platform match that which is configured in their Slack configuration. If the emails do not match, Slack messaging will not be deliverable for that Learner.
Q: Will Admins/Users be able to communicate with Emtrain via Slack?
A: At this time, the Slack integration is only a one-way messaging system. Slack messages will be delivered to end-users but they cannot be responded to.