Once training has been launched, Account Admins will merely need to monitor the account until you are ready to preview additional content and begin the cycle once again. When monitoring the account, enjoy the freedom to perform the following tasks:
- Evaluate employee perceptions of workplace culture using Emtrain AI Insights Reports.
- Add and Deactivate Account Admins as needed
- Subscribe!
Insights Report
Select Reports from the Manage Tools on the sidebar as an Account Admin.
Locate the Insights Report. Using the dropdown box, choose the Content to report on.
Determine the Start Date and End Date. Then, click the View Report button.
The Program Detail displays the results of all the dialog cards in the program, by lesson. Here, you are able to see how learners in your organization assigned this particular content responded to the questions or statements. Additionally, you see the graphs and results from learners globally.
Printing the Report
To print the Insights Report as a PDF, navigating to the report and locate the View printable version button near the top of the page.
By clicking this button, an additional browser tab will open which contains the printable version of the Insights Report. Please allow time for data to populate before printing. Also, please note that some lessons do not have interactive questions so they will be blank.
The Admin will have the opportunity to print the report from this screen or save as a PDF. For the best printing display and page alignment, it is recommended to use a browser plug-in such as FireShot when saving as a PDF.
Account Admin Management
- When others should be added to the Account Admin team, they can be added to the account by any of the other Admins.
- If you wish to remove Admin access from someone listed on the account, you can update the User Role from Account Admin to User.
- In the case that an Account Admin has moved on from the organization, they can be deactivated.
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- Our Weekly Newsletter contains information on course releases, law changes, free resources and more. Subscribe HERE!
- Be advised of Newly Released Training Programs and Changes to Current Programs by clicking Follow on the forums.
- Subscribe to the Product Release Notes so you are always informed of newly released and upgraded tools and features of the Emtrain AI Platform.