After the Initial Launch, you will continue to monitor and update your account in a variety of ways.
Assignment Monitoring
User Management
One of the most pressing questions for Account Admins is, "How do we keep our user population up-to-date?"
- Manually Add User
- User Roster Template
- Manual CSV Import Tool
- Scheduled CSV Import (SFTP Sync)
- Roster Update Frequency
Adding New Hires
There are several options for adding users as you are onboarding them:
- Manually Add a User
- Manual CSV Import
- Scheduled CSV Import
Add User Tool
Add other Account Admins by navigating to Users in the Manage Tools.
Click the Add User button.
This will populate a blank User Profile that can be completed.
At minimum, complete the following profile fields:
- First Name must indicate a Users’ First Name. This field will be used for Email Notifications and in the Learner Portal.
- Last Name must indicate a Users’ Last Name. This field will be used for Email Notifications.
- Email must be loaded with a user’s unique email address. This cannot be used for any other profile on our system.
- Additionally, complete any fields that Dynamic Groups use
This will send the Welcome email to the recently added User and they can follow the instructions to configure their password.
User Roster Template
Both the Manual CSV Import tool and the Scheduled CSV Import tool depend on the User Roster, so let's go over a few key points about the roster spreadsheet.
Field Mapping
Rosters should continue to be uploaded in the same column order for all future uploads to ensure data is placed correctly. Should you need to update the mapping, you are able to do so upon upload by reconfiguring which columns match which fields. Keep in mind that future uploads will follow the most field mapping for the last upload in the CSV import list.
Current Roster Download Options
- Download CSV: This will download a complete roster of users in the column order mapped to the most recently imported spreadsheet. This is helpful when you want to review all users on your account for edits, terminations, and so forth.
- Download Template: This will download the column headers mapped to the most recently imported spreadsheet. This is helpful when you need to add a list of new hires and wish to know the column order.
- Download CSV of all Users: This will download a complete roster of users with the visible fields on the User Roster. This is helpful when you want to analyze data that is not typically included on the import mapping.
Field Formatting
Some fields look for specific formatting or other key data when importing. Be sure to review and update the spreadsheet to include the following items:
- Email = unique sync key (a new email address will create a new profile)
- EEID = unique field (no two users on the account can have the same EEID)
- Status = active / inactive / onLeave (case sensitive)
- Supervisor? = Yes / No (if this is not included, it will default to No)
- Dates = YYYY-MM-DD (if sent in an alternate format, the date may not be available for selection)
- Exempt? = Yes / No (if this is not included, it will default to No)
- Manager Email = email of a supervisor also on the account (if the supervisory user is not included on the account the user will not be added)
Manual CSV Import Tool
This tool enables you to import a group of users using a CSV Roster. It is certainly a quick and simple process, but there are a few key things to consider:
- It is most helpful to keep the column order the same for each upload. Fields can be mapped to your HRIS spreadsheet to simplify the process.
- Any new columns you add will simply need to be added to the mapping. You can either place them to the right of existing data on the spreadsheet for easy mapping or re-map the fields to adjust the column order.
- Feedback for issues with the upload will be available under the Import Status section of the CSV Import Tool. Error messages will indicate a problem with data, some will result in the user not being imported (for example, if the EEID already exists on the roster) and some error messages are more informational.
- If the CSV Roster spreadsheet includes more than 1000 users, the system will queue it for overnight upload and the import will not happen immediately.
Scheduled CSV Import (SFTP Sync)
The Scheduled CSV Import Tool uses a SFTP transfer to send the roster to Emtrain. Properly uploaded files placed in the queue should take no more than an hour to upload successfully.
Roster Update Frequency
The cadence of updates it completely unique to each company and there are no requirements. You might consider sending it:
- Daily—Some clients with a constant, high-level of changes choose to send the file every weekday. This allows the User Roster to be current at all times.
- Weekly—Many clients have a moderate amount of changes and choose to send an update on a weekly basis. A weekly update often follows along with the hiring cadence.
- Monthly—Some clients with a low-level of changes choose to send the file on a monthly basis. Employee changes are typically lower in number and not something that require immediate action.
- Combination—Most clients do a combination of weekly and monthly. Often, a New Hire report is sent weekly while terms and edits are sent over monthly.
Editing Existing Users
What should be edited manually on individual profiles?
- The sync key (email address or EEID, depending on what is selected) must be updated manually
- Giving or removing Account Admin access must be done manually
- All other edits could be made on a Manual or Scheduled CSV Import
Can I download and edit a full roster?
- Use the Users > CSV Import Tool > Download CSV as the starting roster
- Any edits on the spreadsheet will over-write Emtrain User account details once uploaded
- Any changes to email addresses must be made manually
How do I remove terminations?
There are several options for removing users as you are off-boarding them.
- Manually Deactivate a User on the User Profile
- Manual or Scheduled CSV Import by setting their Status to "inactive" (case sensitive)
- Please note: Excluding users from a roster does not deactivate them
Updates to Groups
Dynamic groups change constantly when Users qualify and are added or disqualify and are removed. There are also times that Account Admins need to make changes to the rules themselves. Any changes to rules in dynamic groups that are related to active campaigns will immediately affect assignments.
Can I add dynamic group rules?
Dynamic rules may be added to groups even when the connected campaign is in an active state. Some examples of when you may need to do this include:
- Add a Date rule to "close" the group. For example, you can add a Hired Before Date so that a group is limited to only those hired after a certain date.
- Add an exclusion rule. When you need to remove individuals from training, you can add an Email IS NOT rule to exclude individuals by email address.
Can I edit existing group rules?
Dynamic rules may be edited in groups even when the connected campaign is in an active state. Because the rules drive assignments, take caution when making edits to active rules. Some examples of when you may need to do this include:
- Add another tag to a location field. For example, you may have "CA" listed in the rules, but just uploaded a batch of New Hires with "California" listed in US State Code. You could either correct the CSV and re-upload or you could update the group rules to include the "California" tag.
- Add another email address to an exclusion rule. In the case you have an Email IS NOT rule, you could continue to add additional email addresses as needed.
Can I delete existing group rules?
Dynamic rules may be deleted from groups even when the connected campaign is in an active state. Because the rules drive assignments, take caution when making edits to active rules. Some examples of when you may need to do this include:
- Remove an exclusion rule. In the case you have an Email IS NOT rule and now wish for all those listed in the rule to be assigned training, you could delete the rule completely.
- Duplicate rules. If you have two rules with the same information, it is best to delete one of them.
Additional Campaign Actions
Duplicate Campaign
Campaigns may be duplicated to make a copy and preserve some of the campaign settings in the copy. This helps when launching a similar campaign where your prefernce would be to use the same or similar messaging and the messaging cadence.
To duplicate a campaign:
- Select the desired Draft Campaign from the list of Campaigns accessed via the Manage Tools
- Click the horizontal dots to the right of the Campaign Name
- Choose Duplicate Campaign from the list of options
Duplicating a campaign will have the following effects:
A copy of the campaign will be created with these settings preserved:
- Copy of {Campaign Name}
- Campaign Type
- Duration (for Open Campaigns)
- Groups
- Notifications
Delete Campaign
Draft Campaigns may be deleted in an effort to clean up the campaign list.
To delete a draft campaign:
- Select the desired Draft Campaign from the list of Campaigns accessed via the Manage Tools
- Click the horizontal dots to the right of the Campaign Name
- Choose Delete Campaign from the list of options
- Confirm by clicking the Delete and Take Me to Campaigns button, or alternatively No I Changed My Mind to cancel the action
Deleting a draft campaign will have the following effects:
- The Campaign will be removed from the campaign list in its entirety
Close Campaign
A Campaign may be closed. This may be used in cases where an Account Admin wishes to prevent future campaign activity. Please note, the campaign cannot be re-activated.
- Laws were changed and Users need a new version of content. Campaigns can be Closed so that no new assignments are made. Changing this over will require the use of a tag to exclude those that already completed the assignment & include users in the new group that need the newer assignment.
- Organization made a decision to use different training duration. Campaign may be closed so that no new assignments are made. A new campaign may be set up with the alternate duration for future assignments. This may require a group to be "closed" and a new one started (as is the case when there are two similar groups separated by a Hire Date).
To close an active campaign:
- Select the desired Campaign from the list of Campaigns accessed via the Manage Tools
- Click the horizontal dots to the right of the Campaign Name
- Select Close Campaign from the list of options
- Confirm by clicking the Yes, Close the Campaign button, or alternatively No, I Changed My Mind to cancel the action
Closing a campaign will have the following effects:
- Current assignments and scheduled notifications remain but no new assignments will be made.
- All incomplete and complete assignments will remain accessible on user ToDo lists.
- Any pending notifications will be sent as scheduled.
- No new assignments will be made for this campaign.
Withdraw Campaign
As an Account Admin, you can choose to Withdraw Campaign. The tool may be used in cases where the Account Admin wishes to immediately cancel all campaign activity.
- A campaign was deployed and everything is incorrect! Campaigns that are simply "all wrong" can be Withdrawn which in effect, reverses everything.
- The training year has ended and Users need a fresh assignment to ensure they are in compliance. In an effort to stop and remove assignments so that new ones may be issued, you may Withdraw the campaign. This would remove assignments and stop notifications from Withdrawn campaign. When a new campaign is issued, they will receive access once again to the content.
To withdraw an active or closed campaign:
- Select the desired Campaign from the list of Campaigns accessed via the Manage Tools
- Click the horizontal dots to the right of the Campaign Name
- Select Withdraw Campaign from the list of options
- Confirm by clicking the Yes, Withdraw the Campaign button, or alternatively No, I Changed My Mind to cancel the action
Withdrawing a campaign will have the following effects:
- All incomplete assignments will be Closed and removed from user ToDo lists.
- Completed items will be visible as Complete on user ToDo lists and in reports.
- No new assignments will be made for this campaign.
- No notifications will be sent for this campaign.
Modifying Notifications
At times there is a need, once a campaign is already active to make changes to the Notifications or schedule. We encourage you to plan your Communication Strategy as completely as possible prior to launch and then use these tips to make adjustments post-launch.
Adding Notifications to an Active Campaign
Notifications can be added to already launched campaigns, but keep in mind:
- Adding an email which has a timeframe that is in the past will result in that email being sent to all planned recipients once the notification is saved.
- With Open Campaigns, it is significantly harder to know where each individual is in the notification schedule. Take caution when adding a number of emails at one time because Users may receive all emails if all those added are considered "in the past".
- If a completion notification is added to a campaign that is already in-progress, the notification will NOT be sent to users who completed the campaign before the notification was added. It will ONLY be sent to users who complete the campaign after the notification has been added.
Editing Notifications in an Active Campaign
While Notifications can be edited after a campaign is deployed, there are a few cautions to think about.
- Editing an email in a scheduled campaign whose send date is already past will result in that email being sent to all planned recipients once the edited notification is saved.
- Editing an email in an open campaign will result in the new text being sent to all planned recipients going forward but would not be sent to Users who had already received the notification.
Deleting Notifications in an Active Campaign
- If a notification is deleted from the campaign, it will remove any scheduled occurrence of it.
- If a completion notification is deleted from a campaign, it will NOT be sent to users who complete the campaign after the deletion of the notification.
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