Retraining is suggested to be configured in one of the following ways:
Hire Year/Training Year
Annual training on Preventing Workplace Harassment is highly recommended, for several reasons:
- Higher learner retention
- Better learner completion rates
- Learners get access to fresh content applicable to rapidly changing workplace dynamics
- Satisfies time requirement: "training can be completed all at once or in segments" (source)
If you must train your workforce biennially, or every other year, we reccommend an "odd or even" approach. As an example, at the start of 2021 a "Odd" group would be created to include those hired in odd years. In 2022, all those with even hire years would be trained. Configuration for this would include:
- Odd Hire Year Groups
- Even Hire Year Groups
Some additional options for this configuration include:
- Using Hire Month tags so monthly you assign to the group of employees which were hired in a particular month
- Using a manually configured Training Year tag in place of Hire Year
Here is an example of a group for US Supervisors to be trained in ODD years by Hire Month:
Annual Scheduled Campaign + New Hire Campaign
Determine a particular month or timeframe during the calendar year when all current employees should complete the decided training.
A question to ask is, "Should those recently hired employees retrain as part of the Annual Campaign?" Many decide that "recently trained new hires" should not be included in the AnnualTraining. As an example, a Company schedules Annual Training in June each year and also determine that folks newly hired in January through May should NOT be trained in the Annual June training. Configuration for this would include:
- Annual Training Groups which exclude those hired in the same calendar year
- New Hire Groups by calendar year
Here is an example of a group set up to Annually train all US Supervisors hired before the 2021 calendar year:
Last Assignment or Completion Date
Employees can be re-assigned simply by adding a Campaign Last Assigned Date or Content Last Completed Date for particular content as a group rule. This is based on specific content and tends to be more helpful when the same content is used to train with annually.
Configuration for this would include:
- Groups defined by a Campaign Last Assigned before MM/DD/YYYY
- New Hire Groups (those who do not have a date for last assigned or last completed)
Some things to note with this configuration:
- This works for re-training in our system when the original assignment was also made in AI platform
- Last Assigned date is preferable to use rather than Last Completed Date to ensure folks whose assignment was incomplete are trained in a timely manner
Here is an example of a group set up to annually retrain in 2021 those who were assigned Workplace Violence Prevention training prior to 2021:
Custom Retraining Options
It could be that one of these options does not fit your Company's Training Plans. In that case, please allow us to consult with your team to suggest the best Retraining Configuration for your workplace.