Company Logo: Your Company logo may be submitted for inclusion in the Learning Environment. Please submit to your Implementation Specialist for use in Account Set-up. Review the Company Logo Specifications for more information.
Company Policy: As part of training, learners will be required to view and accept employment policies while viewing the course. Each of the programs listed here has, at minimum, one policy that is required to be submitted. Please click through to individual courses in order to obtain additional detail regarding submission requirements.
Course Title: The course title may be configured. Our course titles are automatically generated, but can be updated upon request.
Course Timer: A course timer can be added to a course (hosted accounts only). A timer requires users to spend a minimum amount of time actively participating in the training. If they remain on a card for more than 5 minutes, the timer will pause.
Completion Certificates: Completion Certificates may be added to a course. Completion certificates will appear after the last lesson upon completion of a course. The download certificate card and the completion certificate may both contain custom messaging. Review the Content Configuration Guide for more information.
All of the above is standard configuration options. If you want to customize anything additional, please refer to the Course Customization Guide.