Although every User may have a slight different experience, there are common steps and questions you as the Account Admin may have about the User Experience. One of the most pressing questions for Account Admins is, "What will Users experience when they access the platform?" Have you wondered that very same thing? Follow along with this article and learn the important tasks and best tips for understanding the user experience.
What is the first-time log-in experience?
How do they know how to access the platform?
There are a couple ways learners may be notified of initial access or assignments. Users must always access the platform through your account. From there, they login to their Account Profile by using their email address and password. The account URL is always If Single Sign-On has been enabled, then the learner will automatically be logged into the learning environment.
- System Assignment Email. You could choose to send a Welcome Email through the system notifications. This email is automatically configured with a button that sends them to the account URL. If SSO has been enabled, learners will be brought directly into the learning environment.
- Internal Email. You could send an internal email which includes a link to account URL.
- Single Sign-On. Some opt to enable SSO and then direct employees to click through the tile to access training.
What are the first steps of a New User?
- Manual Password Set-up. If your account does not have the SSO integration, Users will need to configure their password the first time they access their account profile. This will not need to be done on a future login.
- Access content. If the User has a training assignment, they will automatically be taken to the ToDo tab to review and complete the assignment. If the User does NOT have an assignment, they will automatically be taken to the Browse tab to view optional lessons and/or programs.
What if a User reports difficulty logging into the platform?
Of course, there will be employees that have some challenges logging in for the first time. This is often caused by a couple of issues.
- Email Address. Are they using the email address that is configured on their profile? If there is a typo (either with the email address in the profile or what they are using to login), the system will not recognize the email address. Does your organization use a few different email addresses for each person? (For example, both a "parent" company email as well as a "child" company email address.)
- Inactive profile. Is the User marked as active or inactive? If the profile is inactive, the system will not recognize the email address.
Can users reset their own password?
Information regarding password activation, resetting the password and troubleshooting password issues can all be found in the Password Guide.
How do they access and complete their training?
Once Users access the system, they may have questions regarding the training content. Because most of these questions come directly from the Users to Emtrain, we have collected this information into a User FAQ for easy access.
What if Users have issues accessing content?
The very first step to troubleshoot if Users are having difficulty is review the Minimum system requirements to be sure they are taking the training on a compatible computer or device. Additionally, we have a User FAQ which addresses various topics relating to content, audio and language settings, and completion issues.
Additionally, we have a general overview of how to use the platform.
What else can Users “do” in the platform?
Besides completing training assignments, there are a handful of other activities Users may choose to do while in the Learning Environment. Some options are available only on our Hosted system and are not available if your Organization is hosting the content themselves.
Ask an Expert
All Users have access to Ask an Expert a question. These questions are anonymous and provide a way for Users to get feedback to questions that may come up as a result of participating in the training.
Update Profile
All Users have the ability to Update their profile, however the editable items differ depending on whether the content is hosted on Emtrain AI or hosted on another LMS via SCORM.
Hosted Content
If the content is hosted on Emtrain AI, Users are able to both change their password as well as set their preferred language.
SCORM Content
If the content is hosted on a different LMS, Users are only able to set their preferred language.