Although every Account Admin has a unique training plan, there are common tasks and tips which will help your training to run smoothly. One of the most pressing questions for Account Admins is, "How do we issue training assignments?" Have you wondered that very same thing? Follow along with this article and learn more about campaigns, how to make assignments and other important tasks and tips.
What is a Campaign?
A campaign is essentially a container with several different items that enables training to be issued. Campaigns contain:
- Groups—This indicates WHO should be trained.
- Content—This decides WHAT the group should be trained on.
- Configuration Settings—This indicates WHEN the training should take place.
- Notifications—This typically contains the WHERE, HOW & WHY of training.
What is important to consider when creating a campaign?
Several questions are important to work through before the campaign is configured so it is sustainable long term.
- What are the User segments that need to be trained?
- Are there certain Users who should be excluded from training?
- Should Users continually be added to the group?
- If you are creating New Hire Groups & Campaigns, what should the starting Hire Date be?
- Is your User Roster up to date or do you need to upload the roster to update data & Users?
- What content will you assign to Users?
- Does the chosen content influence how groups are formed?
- Does the content need a policy embedded?
- Are you working to meet compliance mandates?
- Do you need to customize the programs or lessons in any way?
- Do you want a completion certificate available for Users to download at the end of the program?
- When should the campaign begin?
- Would an open or scheduled campaign work best in this situation?
- What duration for training deadlines would work best, considering other training initiatives, holidays, or company projects?
- Do different User Groups have different deadlines?
- What is the communication strategy that you will use to communicate with Users?
- How frequently will you send due date reminders & past due reminders?
- Do you want Users to receive an email upon completion of the campaign?
How do I assign training to an employee?
The system will actually assign training automatically! Dynamic Groups are formed with rules, taken from the User Profiles. These rules help determine who belongs to which group. Groups are connected to campaigns, which contain the correct training assignments.
Are campaigns the only way employees can access training?
While campaigns are the preferred method to issue training, there is another option.
- Share URL—Account Admins have the ability to share content with other users in the organization by using the Share Link associated with lessons, programs or other content. When in the Content Library, Admins can click on the
button to copy the URL. The URL can be used in Company Newsletters, Team Communications or in other internal messaging methods. Keep in mind that the link is only works for Emtrain users and Admins. Anyone without an existing profile in your Emtrain account will not be able to view the content using the URL.
How do we ensure users receive the correct training assignments?
- Assignments actually begin with user profile data, which means ensuring that the data is all correct on each person's profile is vital. This will allow users to be grouped correctly.
- Groups must then have the correct configuration settings to pull users into said groups.
- Assignment Approvals allow you to review and approve group changes before new assignments take place.
How do I “remove training from someone”?
Because training assignments are based on groups which depend on user profile data, the way to remove training from a user is by removing them from the group which caused them to have the assignment. Some examples of this are:
- User profile data for "Supervisor?" changes from No to Yes. Therefore the user moves from a non-supervisor group to supervisor group. This would cause the non-supervisor assignment to be closed and removed and the supervisor assignment to be issued.
- User profile data for "US State Code" changes from TX to NY. This causes the user to move from a US based group to the NY Employees group. This would cause the CA/US training assignment to be closed and removed and the NY training to be issued.
If there is no profile data changing, but you must remove an assignment from someone, the process for One-off assignments would be followed, except in reverse. Either a tag would be added to profiles and then the tag would be excluded from a group or an Email IS NOT rule would be added with specific email addresses of those you wish to exclude.