Content SummaryCyber security is arguably the largest enterprise risk today and experts say cyber attacks have increased over 400% in the last year. One significant cyber security breach can put your entire operation at risk, and your security course is only as strong as each employee’s understanding of the risks and their safe practices. Your employees will be trained to identify phishing scams, avoid web-based attacks and ransomware, and spot social engineers attacks. We also instruct employees on some best practices for creating strong passwords. Emtrain Links📎 Cyber Security Course Summary
Course Version
- Cyber Security (CYBER) (30 Minutes)
Non-Timed Course
A course timer is not included in the course.
The course is available in English and 50 languages that have been translated through machine translations if you are hosted on our Emtrain AI platform. If you are a SCORM client, please review this article for more information.
Required Course Elements
A PDF of, or link to, your written cyber security policy is available for clients to upload and configure their policy. Emtrain provides a help desk tutorial showing program managers how to complete this task for hosted AI and SCORM admins.
As part of the program, learners must both read and acknowledge receipt of your antitrust and competition law policy and your company's guidelines supporting different business situations using the Policy Acknowledgement cards.
Policy AcknowledgmentDefault Policy Acknowledgement cards found in the Cyber Security course include:
Relevant Course Pairings |
Complementary Microlessons
What happens if we do not have a cyber security policy?
It is highly recommended you develop a workplace policy on cyber security so that your workplace is appropriately protected.