Administrators can upload and edit their company logo on the Emtrain AI platform by doing the following:
Prepare the Logo
Prepare your company logo for upload by following our suggested Company Logo Specifications.
Requirements & Suggestions For Optimal Viewing:
- The logo must be in png, jpg, or gif format - no larger than 5MB.
- We recommend a rectangular image approximately 55px tall by 200px wide.
- Square logos should be about 64 x 64 pixels.
- If you upload a larger image, it will be sized down to fit in the space.
- If you upload a smaller image, it will be sized up, which could result in a deterioration in image quality.
- Logo should have a transparent background.
- Logo should be dark as it will be on a light background.
Upload the Logo
When you log in as an Admin, you should be automatically directed to the Dashboard.
Select Site Config on the Manage Sidebar, and navigate to the subcategory labeled Logo.
Under the section titled Logo, click the Chose File button. Select the appropriate PNG file from your computer. Once selected, the file name will appear below the button. Click Upload File in order to successfully complete the logo upload.
Check the Learner Preview, automatically displayed directly below your logo upload, to ensure that your file has uploaded correctly.
If the logo does not display to your satisfaction, please work with your graphics team to make edits and re-upload.
Your logo also appears on your Employee login page