- Preparing the File
- Field Details
- Begin the Manual Import
- Import History
- Configure the Import
- Cancel the Import
- Import Status
- Troubleshooting the CSV Import
Users may be uploaded with a spreadsheet, which is important when adding or editing a large group of employees.
Preparing the File
Minimum Required Fields
These are the minimum fields needed to create a User profile
- Last Name
- First Name
- Email Address (must be unique to the user)
Standard Fields* (strongly recommended)
*The standard fields are optional to use, however, many are needed in order to properly assign most compliance courses.
- Status (Active, Inactive, or On Leave)
- Country (using three letter ISO country code)
- U.S. State (using two letter state code)
- City
- Location
- Supervisor Status (using Yes for Supervisor or No for Non-Supervisor)
- Employee ID (must be unique to the user)
- Hire Date
- Title
- Role
- Exempt (using Yes for Exempt and No for Non-exempt)
- Manager's email (Manager must have a user profile for email to associate)
Please see User Profile Information for an explanation of all fields.
Custom Data Fields
If you have data you wish to use that does not fit in the required, recommended or standard fields, additional fields may be added as needed. Examples of fields include:
- Province
- Employee Status (Full Time, Part Time, Intern, etc)
- Remote Worker (Yes, No, Hybrid)
- Promotion Date (using format YYYY-MM-DD)
- Org Level
- Annual Retraining Anniversary Month
Please reach out to your Implementation Specialist for more information.
Field Details
Email field
- All users must have a unique email to be imported.
- The email address will be used to sync existing records with updated data.
Date fields
- If no year is specified, the system will assign the year as 2001.
- If the date contains only month & year, the system will not import the date.
- If there is text only in the field, the system will not import the data.
- Date should be listed as YYYY-MM-DD.
File Format
File must be saved in a CSV file.
Begin the Manual Import
- Click the Roster Import button.
- Drag and drop your CSV file in the upload box. Alternatively, you may click inside of the upload box to search for the file.
- Click the Save button.
Import History
- Click the Roster Import button
- View the Import List. From here, you may re-configure an old import or access the status report for any current or previous import.
Configure the Import
- Map the user profile fields to columns in your spreadsheet, any column that does not "match" a field or should not be imported, you may leave the selection as "Do not import".
- Check the box to indicate "First row contains column names" if that is true.
- Check the box to indicate "Override edits to Emtrain user table with CSV data" if you wish to update the current user information with the information provided in the CSV file.
- Select the sync key as email address or EEID.
- Click Start the Import button to import the data.
Cancel the Import
If an incorrect spreadsheet is connected to the tool for import, the process can be cancelled and the Import History list would be updated accordingly. To cancel an import:
- Click the Roster Import button
- View the Import List. From here, click Configure on the import you wish to cancel.
- Click the Cancel the Import button.
Import Status
- Status: importing or imported
- Records Processed: number of records actually processed
- New users added: number of records imported
- Users updated: number of records found and edited
- Ignored users: this is no longer in use and being phased out - see the Errors for any records ignored
- Errors: indication of the row which failed and messaging to indicate the reason
Troubleshooting the CSV Import
Import does not start, instead the mapping options appear active again. If two columns are mapped to the same user profile field, the import will not begin. Review the field mapping for any duplicates.
Users were ignored upon import. The error messages may give some indication as to the reason why some records failed. Common reasons include: duplicate email addresses, email address field blank.
Data from one column was not imported. If the data is part of our standard field set, it was likely not mapped correctly. Review the mapping to ensure the data is set to import to the correct places. If the data is not part of our standard field set, the custom field must be created.