Respect in 2025 is nuanced and based on context. Everyone’s concept of “respect” is slightly different and influenced by our unique life experiences, and when someone feels disrespected, they often describe disrespect as harassment. Learning how to show respect to your different co-workers is a skill that can be developed, practiced, and that can reduce co-worker friction (and claims of harassment).
Our new Preventing Workplace Harassment course covers all the legally required concepts of harassment across all 50 U.S. states (or our Canadian version, Indian version, or Global version). But in addition to illustrating potentially harassing behavior, this course teaches the skills to be more intentionally respectful to different types of people in order to reduce co-worker conflict and increase positive team dynamics.
What's new?
- Interviews where workplace investigators share their experiences with conflicts and claims amongst teams.
- New videos and lessons, while still covering particularly timely topics like digital communication, weight stigma, beliefs, First Amendment rights, neurodiversity, etc.
- A Complaint Decision Tree downloadable and video for employees so they can understand the substance of their complaint and how to “package” it up, e.g., do they say “harassment” or do they say “we’re stuck in conflict and can’t get work done.” (This will support and free up the time Employee Relations Professionals who spend their workweek investigating situations that are NOT harassment.)
As a staple of our Preventing Workplace Harassment series, the course also provides the shared language of the Workplace Color Spectrum® so people can color-code conduct, not people, and give instant feedback to course correct in real-time.
Training Recommendations:
California employers are permitted to train annually! Sponsors may train managers annually with a new 60 minute program each year, for a total of 120 minutes over 2 years. Sponsors may train employees annually with a new 30 minute program each year for a total of 60 minutes over 2 years.
We recommend training all employees and contractors on 60 minutes of content each year to keep them abreast of current issues and reinforce positive workforce behaviors.
Please note: Connecticut and Chicago require 2 hours of workplace harassment training. Chicago requires an additional hour of bystander training.
Emtrain’s version 13 of our Preventing Workplace Harassment course enables you to:
- Meet state-mandated training regulations.
- Use a shared language to enable feedback, common ground, and a tool to course-correct in real-time.
- Identify, measure, and manage the organizational and employee behaviors that lead to disrespect.
- Benchmark your workplace culture against others and leverage Emtrain’s content, data, and ecosystem of experts to help you improve your culture.
Preventing Workplace Harassment 13 is available as SCORM content if you are using a third-party LMS. For more information, please refer to the Preventing Workplace Harassment US (v13) content article for additional information.