The following updates have been implemented in our course content. These updates are automatically reflected in your course(s) and will not require new assignments.
Stop the Hate (v1:1.1)
- Updated image in video montage, minor update to one text card. No substantive changes
Equal Access (v1:1.1)
Added clarifying language to one card in the lesson "Interpreter Services"
Global Trade (v1:1.1)
- Text updates throughout course based on expert feedback. Edits intended to provide further clarity and ensure continuity of technical and legal language
Preventing Workplace Harassment - US (v12:1.4)
- Minor updates to text card in the lesson "Fostering Healthy Norms", no substantive changes
Unconscious Bias (v3:2.5)
- Added additional text cards after each video scenario identifying what microaggression was depicted and providing additional context in the lesson "Microaggressions"
State Map of Protected Characteristics
- Added reporting hotline for Wyoming
Common Questions and FAQs
Q: If we customized our course, will we receive these updates?
Whether or not you will see the updated content depends on the level to which your course was customized. If there is an update made to a card that was not customized, that card will display the updated material.
If the update required adding an additional card to a lesson that you had previously customized, that update will not appear in your course. Any customized cards within your course will not display updated content.