The requirements to complete a training vary depending on the type of assignment.
- Courses are composed of multiple lessons. You must complete all of the lessons in a course to complete the assignment. Some courses also have a minimum time requirement. For those, you must also spend a minimum amount of time on the course overall. See below for more information.
- Microlessons are brief assignments covering a single topic that do not have a minimum time requirement. Microlessons are complete when all content has been viewed.
How do I complete a course?
In order to complete a course, you must:
- Fully review all lessons in the course.
- Satisfy the course's specified time requirement.
In Progress Course
This is an example of a course with three lessons.
This course also has a 10 minute time requirement. The progress bar at the bottom indicates that the learner has completed two out of 10 required minutes.
The system will pause your progress on a course with a time requirement if it is left idle for 5 minutes. This is indicated with a popup. To resume your session and restart the timer progress, select "Continue."
Completed Course
Once a course is completed, it will indicate your completion date, and you'll be able to View your Completion certificate.
Downloading your Completion Certificate
Some courses have downloadable completion certificates. If this is enabled on your assignment, you will see a View Certificate link below the title on the Completed course.
If you do not see a View Certificate link and you expect one:
- Ensure that you have completed the course as described above.
- Check with your training administrator to find out if this course is enabled with a certificate.
After clicking the View Certificate link, a card displays with a button to download the certificate as a PDF.