Clients that have purchased Premium will have access to the Segmentation tab. Please contact for any questions or to learn more about our analytics packages.
Segmentation provides your team the ability to analyze the sentiment of your learners per demographic segment (department, gender, geo location, etc.).
Report Type
Switch between two different Report Types by using the toggle at the top.
a. Percentile by Segment
This view provides you with percentile scores within the benchmark, consistent in calculation to that Questions, Indicators, and Competencies on Overview and Scores pages.
In short it compares the score of each of your segment to the data of all other organizations (regardless of the segment). Said another way, segments are benchmarked against the entire population of learners, not against other segments of that type (e.g. female vs. all and not female vs. other females).
Colors show positive (green) and negative (red) outliers for your organization. If the color is gray, it means that this score trends with the overall experience at your organization.
b. Difference from Organization Score
This report is designed to highlight the greatest differences across your organization. It showcases the difference of each segment's score with your own organization's benchmarked score (found on Scores page).
Like the above, the colors show positive (green) and negative (red) outliers for your organization. If the color is gray, it means that this score trends with the overall experience at your organization.
'Segment Results by' drop down allows you to pick how you would like to break down the scores. These are segments that you have previously worked with us to import. Pick one that works best for what you're trying to do. You can switch segments at any time viewing the scores.
At this time, up to 3 intersections of multiple segments (e.g. supervisors in the Marketing Dept) is available. Learn more about how to work with Emtrain on importing segments.
Minimum Learner Threshold
'Minimum Learner Threshold' drop down helps you narrow down the results by number of learners who have responded to questions. This filter enables you eliminate smaller groups and focus on larger populations, as desired.
Note: We require a minimum of 5 respondents as the threshold for showing scores. This is to protect learner confidentiality, so that learners feel comfortable responding candidly.
Here are some tips for navigating the Segmentation Report:
- For easier sorting across all columns, we have provided 'Average Percentile' column. This is only for sorting purposes and does not represent an 'overall score' for that segment.
- Additionally, you can sort both vertically and horizontally by selecting the column header or row header respectively.
- Columns in the report show different levels (Competency, Indicator, Question). The default/landing view of the report is at the Competency level.
- You are only shown the Competencies, Indicators, Questions that have passed the response threshold.
- Above each column at the Competency and Indicator levels, you can see blue hyperlinked options to drill down. Along with it, you can see the number of Indicators or Questions that power a given level.
- Hovering over each cell shows you the number of learners who have responded to questions powering each Question, Indicator, or Competency.
- If a learner has responded the same question within the last 12 months more than once, we take the most recent response.
- Empty cells indicate there is not enough responses for the selected segment based on the selected threshold.
- As you are reviewing the scores, we recommend paying attention to segments with lower scores; these are your "hot spots." Those segments are generally the ones more impacted by workplace social interactions.
- The timeframe for all the data in this report is the last 12 months.
Competency View
This view breaks down your segmented scores by Competency, which is the highest-level component in Emtrain Analytics.
Indicator View
By clicking on the link above a Competency column, you will be navigated to the Indicator view. This is where you see the scores of your selected segment broken down by Indicators of that Competency for which you have enough responses*.
*If you do not see four Indicators per Competency, that means you don't have enough responses for the select segment based on the selected threshold.
Question View
By clicking on the link above an Indicator column, you will be navigated to the Question view. This is where you see the scores of your selected segment broken down by Questions linked to that Indicator for which you have enough responses*.
Show All Questions/Show All Indicators
If you prefer to see everything in one view, you can take advantage of 'Show all Indicators' and 'Show All Questions' links. As the names suggest, these views will show all of your data at once.
Export functionality is coming soon!