Clients that have purchased Standard or Premium will have access to the Benchmarked Scores tab. Please contact for any questions or to learn more about our analytics packages.
The Scores tab provides your company with a detailed and informative view for each Indicator and underlying question scores. All scores are represented as a benchmarked percentiles (at the question, indicator, and competency level) across Emtrain's portfolio of clients.
Navigating the Page
- Use toggle to move between Indicators and Questions.
- Filters: Both indicators and questions can be filtered by Competency, Catalog Title, or User Count.
- Sort: By default, the list view is organized by Indicators and sorted in descending order (show above). This means Indicator with the highest score is at the top. You can flip the order by clicking on Ascending.
- Keyword Search: Filter the results based on
Additionally, try hovering over various numbers/graphs to see additional tooltips with important information.
Insufficient Data
If your company does not have enough data for an indicator, the bar will be gray with the text “Insufficient data”. This means not enough learners have completed related coursework to supply reliable data.
To see an indicator score, 2 or more qualifying questions associated with that indicator must have learner responses. Qualifying questions mean:
30+ companies have answered a particular question
50+ learners have answered a particular question if<200 learners in the organization
100+ learners have answered a particular question if 200+ learners in the organization
Over Time Graph
Each question includes a graph that tracks how responses to the percentile for that Indicator/Question have changed over time. Each date on the line graph represents a full 365-period of response data. For example:
- The point on the graph for January 23rd, 2024, represents all data collected from January 24th, 2023-January 23rd, 2024.
- Similarly, the point on the graph for August 3rd, 2022, represents all data collected from August 4th, 2021-August 3rd, 2022.
- Questions: Clicking the Questions link opens a view of Indicator’s underlying questions that were answered (and met the threshold, aka ‘qualifying’) by the workplace’s learners. These scores specifically show the results from the individual questions, and these scores are rolled up into the overarching score for the indicator.
- Implications: The Implications link opens a separate page with guiding information about the associated indicator. In the example below, the Implications link opens the Mitigating Bias page. This view provides additional information around each indicator. This includes 1) the full definition of the Indicator, 2) example underlying questions powering the Indicator, 3) description of observable behaviors across the prosocial behavior spectrum, 4) skills that are needed to improve Indicator score, and 5) list of research citations and other resources to further learn about our work behind the framework.