Clients that have purchased Standard or Premium will have access to the Overview tab. Please contact for any questions or to learn more about our analytics packages.
The Overview tab is the default view when clicking into the Analytics feature from the left-hand navigation for a Manage user. The path for this tab is Manage > Analytics > Overview tab.
Activity Stats
The top section gives a overview of the responses that power the scores for the last 24 months.
Number of completed courses and microlessons where enough people have responded to questions to calculate scores.
Number of learners in the organization whose responses to questions are used to calculate the scores.
Total number of question responses received from learners that are used in score calculation.
The last response date of a completed content.
View Details link which opens additional detail describing contributors to the scores. See more info here.
Competency Scores
The left (the Y-axis) shows the percentile and the following "performance" categories:
Outperforming: The scores are in the top 25th percentile (76th-100th Percentile)
Performing: Scores are within the middle range (26th-75th Percentile)
Underperforming: Scores below the 25th percentile.
Download Executive Summary
This view serves as a quick overview for those KPI leadership conversations. Option to download an Executive Summary. This opens a new browser tab with the Competency Scores, Competency Scores Over Time and the Indicator Scores. From this window, there is a download button in the upper left that downloads a .png version of the page.
To see an indicator score, 2 or more qualifying questions associated with that indicator must have learner responses. Qualifying questions mean:
30+ companies have answered a particular question
50+ learners have answered a particular question if<200 learners in the organization
100+ learners have answered a particular question if 200+ learners in the organization